Tag: Android
Daniel Petty | Android LAMP (Linux,Apache,MySQL,PHP) Part Two
nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf Source: Daniel Petty | Android LAMP (Linux,Apache,MySQL,PHP) Part Two HANDY.
Device always boots into recovery – Pg. 3 | Moto G
Thank You So Much!!! :victory: Source: Device always boots into recovery – Pg. 3 | Moto G Giving an old phone to a friend in need. Ran into an issue wiping it for him. This did the trick! adb shell dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/misc
Post I wrote on XDA-Developers
I am reporting back in on my experience using Cyanogenmod (specifically a recent Cyanogenmod 10.2 Nightly). I love it. I’m actually using it as a hotspot to write this post. Cyanogenmod-ified Android is an absolute joy to use. This is remarkable considering that I’m running the most current version of Android on a device that…
Ubuntu on touch friendliness
UI & Handling Can we change the UI to make it more touch friendly? The main purpose of this project is to get the core of Ubuntu ready for mobile devices. This means using RAM and power more efficiently, etc. As of now, we can not change the UI to make it more touch friendly.…
Ubuntu 13.04 on my Nexus 7 (2012), CM 10.2 on Note 2, et. al.
Last night I installed Ubuntu 3.0 on my Nexus 7 using this guide. Order the Thai Breaker, its really good. The Ubuntu Desktop Installer did not work for me so had to do it manually from the command line. I can confirm those commands do work. If you’ve ever re-installed Android onto your Nexus 7, its…
Mobile/Desktop Experience
This is something that Ubuntu is already working on, and something you can partially get away with in Android. Right now, Ubuntu is working on a mobile version of their operating system, Ubuntu Touch. While it can be installed on a variety of devices right now, much of the functionality is missing. Lots of dummy…