Finished Photopia

Well I just finished Photopia…  I think I got it?  I suppose since I haven’t read much lately so I don’t read that well?  I mean I can read Engadget and Autoblog posts, but this is a different kind of reading.  Throw in the chopped up nature of Photopia’s story and the fact that I’ve never played an IF before…  I had to play it again to get a better gist of the story.

For those of you wanting to play the game, know that the game is VERY short.  It’s more fiction than interactive (I can’t take credit for that), so it’s not even really that much of a game (virtually no puzzles).

From the reviews that I’ve read, this is a gem in the genre of interactive fiction.  As this is the first piece of IF I’ve read, I don’t have any basis for comparison.  It’s sort of like Memento (the movie) in terms of choppiness, except perhaps more so, because you are different characters throughout the story…  so…  maybe take notes?

I think that if you’re an avid reader, this story probably won’t be lost on you, even if it is your first IF.  To a certain extent I kind of wish that I had more IF’s under my belt because I might have enjoyed it more.  At any rate, it’s very short, but there’s a LOT to it.  It doesn’t have the reputation it has for no reason.

Get it here.


3 responses to “Finished Photopia”

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