Category: Linux
Raspbian Jessie w/ external / on btrfs ?
Raspberry Pi 2 fun this weekend! Quite successfully managed to relocate / to an external disk. In my case, the external disk is an old 1TB hard drive in one of these snazzy docks (does not pass S.M.A.R.T. data). Then I tried it with an SSD to see if it was any faster. It was, but…
I made a thing
A while back, I got the itch for some retail therapy and bought a 2U, 12-bay Supermicro from the nice folks over at Garland Computers. Couple of quad E5-somethings, a tooon of RAM, and a bit of capacity in the form of a ZFS array smeared over a mish-mash 1- and 2TB hard drives. Things were…
per-program memory usage analyzer
ps_mem! “A utility to accurately report the core memory usage for a programYes the name is a bit weird. coremem would be more appropriate, but for backwards compatible reasons the ps_mem name remains.”
First Day at New Job Tomorrow!
As per career advisers advice, I used connects in the community to learn about my area of interest, and sure enough, I got a job! And the first day of that new job is tomorrow! I do still have a handful of remaining shifts with my previous employer, but that will end in less than…
Dell D620 Flair
Ordered some Rinse.FM, Ubuntu, and Kubuntu stickers today too, and good buddy Robbie says that he’s going to bring me more tomorrow 😉
DHA Meetup! Lubuntu! Aced the LFS101x Final! Bigger HDD for the D620!
Went to my first MeetUp last night Monthly meeting of the Dallas Hackers Association! Lots of fun! Discussed the recent developments in the Linux world and other experiences in IT/infosec. I’ve made it a recurring event on my calendar. There are more events that I’m considering going to, but I’d need to do some rearranging…
Firefox ESR 31.1.0
Mmm.. Firefox ESR 31.1.0.. I feel so current! Even better, it doesn’t feel any less responsive, I’ll take it!